Nochebuena!! y ni un solo adorno navideño en casa. Porque a mi me da miedo mi sótano y mi madre dice que soy una vaga y se niega a acompañarme....que triste! jajaja
Apruevan la ley antitabaco! yuju! eso significa: adios al olor a humo en el pelo, la ropa, la almohada, el garito....adios a los ojos rojos! y al monazo que me entra cada vez que veo a alguien encenderse un piti :D
Abandonan la ley sinde! que si, que mirandolo friamente deberia aprovarse....pero a mi me vienen de perlas ^^que bajen el precio de la música y de las peliculas....y que amplien el acceso a las series...como sino se supone que voy a ver series que solo se pueden ver en EEUU??
Y además el año que viene te pueden quitar el coche por infracciones graves o reiteradas. a quien coño se le a ocurrido esto? que te quiten el carnet no el coche! (que por cierto solo lo hacen con vehiculos de alta gama). que pasa si es alquilado? o prestado? o compartido por toda una familia? que pasa si tienes un jaguar y cuando te lo quitan coges y te compras otro?? soy yo la unica que piensa que esta medida se la ha inventado un retrasado??
y dicho esto....FELIZ NAVIDAD :)
Christmas eve!! yay! and i dont have a single christmasy decoration up. Here's what happened: all the christmas stuff is down at the cellar. I have PANIC to go down there. And my mom thinks its just an excuse for my laziness and so she won't come with me. :( sad.
They aproved the anti-tobacco law!! yay! that means: no more awful smoke smell on my hair, clothes, pillow and bar! more red eyes! no more longing for a puff whenever i see someone lighting up! :D
They stoped the Sinde law (which was about to close every unauthorised sharing video and music sharing site), which really, taking a carefull look should have been aproved. Thing is, this sharing sites are most useful for me :) unless they bring down the music prices by .....a lot lol.
Also, next year the cops will be able to confiscate your car in case of a grave infraction or reiterated ones. WTF??? who invented this new law??? why don't they take away the persons license?? (by the way, they just take away your car if it is an expensive one, because supposedly you can afford the loss...again wtf??) what happens if you rented the car? or if you borrowed from someone? or if you share it with your entire family? am i the only one who thinks this law is retarded??
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