domingo, 11 de diciembre de 2011


"tengo que aprender a diferenciar la luz de cada día de la semana. ¿no te ha pasado nunca que sientes que alguien te está mirando? tu no puedes verle, pero sabes que está ahi. Con el domingo pasa lo mismo, aunque esté nublado, sabes que el sol está ahí, mirando a la tierra"
Ultimamente casi todo el mundo me da asco y de repente echo de menos a gente que no conzco.
"I've got to learn how to tell which day of the week it is by their light. Have you ever felt observed? You can't see anyone, but you KNOW someone is there. It is the feeling i get with Sundays. The day might be cloudy, but you know the sun is up there, watching the Earth".
Lately most people disgust me and i suddenly miss people that i have never met.